Life After Lupus

Spiritual Help and Practical Resources to Help You Find Hope on Your Autoimmune Journey

Welcome to My Website!

When I was diagnosed with lupus nearly a decade ago, I had so many questions. It was like someone dropped me in a foreign land and forgot to give me the map. Maybe you can relate?

If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would tell her that although life would get harder in some ways, it would also become richer. A new diagnoses can be like a reset button that helps us to sharpen our priorities. On the other side of the diagnosis it’s possible to have an intensionally meaningful life, filled with new goals, loving relationships, and yes, even happiness.

I wish I had had a knowledgable friend to walk through those early days with me. Being the only one who understood what it felt like to have an autoimmune disease was lonely. I didn’t know that there was a community of people out there thriving despite their autoimmune health issues. I hope my work here will remind you that you are not alone.

Don’t know where to start? I recommend starting these posts.

When God Restores What He Takes Away

Fresh Hope When Illness Slows You Down

Current Pain Reminds Us of Future Glory

You Can Trust God With Your Unknown Future

The Church Needs Your Weakness as Much as You Need Its Strength.

5 Impulses to Resist When You Feel Inadequate

Feel free to reach out to me through the contact form if you have any questions.

Cheering you on,
